Saturday, October 6, 2007

He's BAAAAAaaaaaaack

John Scalzi's Whatever is finally back - pretty much. The archives haven't fully reappeared yet, so the glory that is bacon cat must be found via other means. His interests are wide ranging, and his opinions are typically well thought out and presented. He's quite effective at mixing humor and editorial content, such as the recently posted Dear White House: Your Position on Secret Torture Memos Makes No Sense to Me, So Here’s a Picture of a Kitten in a Blender.”

An amazingly self documenting title, don't you think?

Scalzi writes (with amazing candor) about the publishing industry, his family, and whatever happens to be of interest to him at any given time. I'm really looking forward to his coverage of his upcoming trip to the Creationist Museum.

The site is sprinkled with graphics, and contains little or no language deemed unwholesome by constipated prigs. It also, unfortunately for you, contains no posts describing safe and effective methods for removing kitty litter from ill-fitting dentures.


Anonymous said...

I've just recently gotten into the Whateverettes. I don't remember them from the old blog. He must have tweaked the layout to make that stuff more prominent.

S. Lee Whiplash said...

That is, in fact, a new feature. It was introduced as part of his ill-fated upgrade to MT4 a month or so ago.