Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Don't hate the Playaz, hate the game...

For out and out surreal hilarity, it's tough to beat Playaz Ball. Five middle-aged guys whose leisure suit and Kangol wearing alter egos romp alongside their idols (Kenny Rogers, Larry Holmes, and Conway Twitty) huffing comet dust, killing endangered species, and taking naps in inappropriate places. Nicely categorized, a personal favorite is the Bon vs. Nature section, featuring outstanding posts such as "Bear eats monkey at zoo, Bon eats bear" and "Man eats small dog to protest Royal Family; Bon eats larger dog as counter-protest".

Side splittingly poor Photoshoppery (imagine Nancy Pelosi in bed with Larry Holmes) accompany many, if not most, of the posts. The site is somewhat graphics heavy, but contains suprisingly little (or no) language which moralistic hand-holders would object to. So check out Playaz Ball in between your bouts of maniacally but ineffectively picking at those lesions.

Locals will know...

I submit to you:

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Blog reading metapost

Some blogging software and/or sites (notably LiveJournal) have a hefty-kewl optional feature known as a friends list. Using this, a blogger can have a centralized repository of blog posts made by their designated "friends". This is a great way to find blog posts from people with similar interests or styles. It can also be dangerously addictive - you check a blogger's friends list, find an entry you enjoy from someone else, go to their blog, read it, check its friends list, find more entries, ultimately spiraling into a Schwarzschild radius of wasted time.

Do yourself a favor, poke around LJ, and see what comes up. It shouldn't take long to find something more interesting than your home page.