Sunday, August 26, 2007

Not Your Mother's Gossip

Celebrity gossip blogs abound. But there's one that makes me literally laugh out loud (that's LOL for the extra chromosome wielding amongst you) with nearly every post. What Would Tyler Durden Do? is a snark masterpiece. From the nicknames
  • Kirsten Dunst is "snaggletooth"
  • Lindsay Lohan is "frecklet*ts" (my asterisk, not his)
  • Nicole Richie is "the chupacabra"
to the delightful commentary (on Britney Spears' childrearing skills)
"Holy god, If I had a son, I'd rather leave him at a NAMBLA meeting than with Britney. I'd rather leave him underwater."
the writer never fails to please. Be warned, WWTDD is patently and overtly offensive. It's also very graphics heavy, including many pictures and videos you wouldn't want your boss to see you pull up at work. Oh wait - never mind. I'm pretty sure you don't have net access at the chamois spot at the car wash.

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